Ambisonic Virtual Surround Sound

Ambisonic Virtual Surround Sound Portfolio

Original works mixed in virtual surround sound and converted into 360 virtual videos on YouTube.


‘Detach’ is a composition that forbids any relationship or bond between the listener and the identity of a sound, aiming to detach any great sense of emotion from the piece. Composing this piece came at a time in my life where I found great relief creating music that I had no emotional connection with. Appreciating texture, dissonance, and anything that is abstract and non-musical, had become the essence of my recording and sound design processes. This essence is also embedded in the compositional form, in which it completely rids itself of any clear beginning, middle, or end. The intentions of ‘Detach’ is to give listeners an experience, not an emotional reaction or response.


Strange: adjective 1. unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain. ‘Strangeness’ is the compositional product of various unusual and surprising discoveries relating to sound. Discovering the potential of a single sound source through use of delay, granulation and pitch, has created new meaning and purpose for each of the sounds in this composition. Apart of discovering new potential in sound sources was finding ways of obscuring relationships between a listener and a sound source, in ways the listener will identify and resonate with musical ideas and sounds. Some of the original sound sources in this composition include, music bounced from tape machines, crockery, pan flutes, and dogs. ‘Strangeness’ invites listeners to linger in unveiling the original identities and origins of the sounds they hear as they become absorbed in a virtual experience that may sound strange. .

Credits: Written, Recorded, Produced, Mixed, By Hannah McFadden